2017 Fall: 四技英文1 – Song Project

About the project:
This semester, you’re going to do an English song project and give an English powerpoint presentation.
Your presentation need to include the following information:
1. Your motivation: Is there anything special about the song? Why did your group choose this song?
2. The background of the song: The history of the song, or the story behind the song.
3. The singer: Who is the singer? His/her background.
4. The lyric
5. Vocabualry/phrases/sentences you learned
6. Your comments on the song.
7. Division of responsibility
8. Reference
Length of the presentation: 15-18 minutes (make sure you finish everything in the allotted time)
Language: English only
Documents needed for this project:
1. PPT file
— An Introduction: Is there anything special about the song? Why did your group choose this song?
— The background of the song: The history of the song, or the story behind the song.
— The singer: Who is the singer? His/her background.
— The lyric
— The video and the link to the video
— Vocabulry/phrases/sentences you learned/
— Your comments on the song.
— Division of responsibility
2. Class handout
Please prepare a class handout (1-2 pages) for each of your classmates.
— Anything you think that might help your audience better understand your presentation, or the song you chose.
–You could also list some of the good words/phrases/sentences that you learned from the talk.


3. 書面報告 (超級重要)
(1) A printed version of your ppt, (2) your talk script, and (3) the class handout you prepared. 

— On the day your present, please give me a printed version of your ppt (6 slides on one page, double-sided) and a copy of your talk script (as a group)
— Please also attach a copy of the lyric of the song.

Final Reminder:
1. Please email your ppt file one week before your presentation so I could give you some comments before you present in class. Also, please upload your finalized file in 3 days after your presentation.
2. When doing your presentation in class, you can play “part of the song”–the parts that impressed you the most. (3 to 3.5 minutes, maximum).