2024 Spring: 五專財金四甲

2024 Spring: 五專財金四甲 English 4


A tentative syllabus


課程名稱: 英文四

授課教師: 賴淑麗 (Shu-li Sally Lai)

授課班級: 五專財金四甲

學分/時數: 3/2

E-mail: shulilai@gmail.com

Time: Monday (13:30 to 16:15)

Blackboard: https://bb.ntub.edu.tw/

Room: 視聽教室 Room 7

Classroomscreen: link

好想講英文 (link)

Classroom materials

1. Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014)
2. Online materials and handouts.

Classroom Evaluation

Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 52%

Midterm Exam: 20%

Three-Minute Talk: 18%

Participation: 10%

Course Objective

This year-long course integrates four key language skills to help students become more skilled and confident readers. While the main focus is on academic reading and building vocabulary, the class also encourages students to actively discuss and write about the ideas they discover in their readings. The goal is to improve their proficiency in English, enabling them to be better readers, speakers, and writers. To achieve these goals, the course incorporates various activities, including discussions, collaborative group tasks, and presentations.

Group Project

Three-Minute Talk

Course Requirements

1. Participation and Attendance:
– If you must miss a class due to unavoidable circumstances (e.g., illness, injury, family emergency), please email me in advance.
– Late assignments or make-up tests will not be permitted.
2. Mobile Phone Usage:
– Please switch your mobile phone to silent mode during class. Unless it’s being used for dictionary lookup or information searching, kindly refrain from using it during class.
3. Quizzes:
– Regular quizzes will be conducted, covering materials from both textbooks and class presentations. It is advised to preview and review class materials every week to stay prepared.





2/19 Back to school
1. Your winter break sharing (Padlet)
2. 英語能力對照表 (link)
3. Score converter (link)
好想講英文 (link)
– Preview Chapter 6, Reading 1 (p. 132) and post your questions on BB (discussion board) before Friday (midnight).
– Be ready to share your group questions next Monday.
– Create a Padlet account using school email, and choose the basic membership. (free)
– Arrange your seating for next week and find a good study partner.
2/26 Chapter 6 Business: The changing workplace
Reading 1: The one week job: 52 jobs in 52 weeks
– Preview Chapter 6, Reading 2 (p. 140) and post your questions on BB (discussion board) before Friday (midnight).
3/4 Chapter 6 Business: The changing workplace
Reading 1: The one week job: 52 jobs in 52 weeks
Listening practice: TOEIC Part 1 (Zuvio) 1st time
– Labeling Exercises (as a group)
3/11 Chapter 6 Business: The changing workplace
Discussion on the exercises
Review Chapter 6.2 and finish th exercises.
3/18 Reading 2: Flip flops and facebook breaks: Millennials enter the workplace
Listening practice: TOEIC Part 2 (Zuvio, 1st time)
Review Reading 1 & Reading 2 (Vcoabulary Test Next Week)
Preview Reading 3 (BB Assignments)
3/25 Reading 3: Eight Keys to Employability
Vocabulary Test
Finish the exercises
4/1 Reading 3: Eight Keys to Employability
TOEIC (Part 2): Question and Response (Strategies) (2nd time)
Be Ready for T & F Questions
4/8 Reading 3: Eight Keys to Employability
Check the exercises
TED Talk (link)
Why 30 is not the new 20? (link)
4/15 Midterm
4/22 Discuss Midterm
Three-Minute Talk Guidelines (topic)
Please finalized your topic by 4/28/2024 
Link to your topic (link)
4/29 Organizing a 3-minute talk
Writing Tools (to suggest, proofread, and give you feedback)
Video 1 How to organize main idea (link)
Part 1 (Use plain langauge) (link)
Part 2 (Use concise sentence) (link)
Part 3: Use logical main points (link)
Part 4: Backing Up What You Say (link)
5/6 Chapter 9 Peace Studies: The change makers
Text to Speech (to practice your pronunciation)
Draw lots to decide the presentation sequence
5/5 (Outline and example due): upload to BB and hand in one hard copy.
5/12 1st draft due: upload to BB.
5/13 Improve your outline
Proofread your talk scripts
Practice your scripts
Pratice and minor revision Grammarly
Text to Speech
5/20 Three-Minute Talk (2) N=24
5/27 Three-Minute Talk (3) N=24
6/3 Email Etiquette
1. Link 1: How to email a professor (wikiHow) (link)
2. Link 2: An email to your professor (link)
3. Link 3 (link)
TED Talk (More discussion)
TED Talk (link)
Why 30 is not the new 20? (link)
6/10 Holiday (No Class)
6/17 Wrap-Up



通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決

The syllabus is subject to change based on the progress and needs of the class.