2022 Fall: 二技企管一甲

2022 Fall: 二技企管一甲 English


A tentative syllabus


課程名稱: 英文

授課教師: 賴淑麗 (Shu-li Sally Lai)

授課班級: 二技企管一甲

學分/時數: 2/2

E-mail: shulilai@gmail.com

Time: Monday (10:10 to 12:00)

Class website: https://bb.ntub.edu.tw

Room: 視聽教室 Room 7

Google Meet: Link


Classroom materials

1. Online materials and handouts.

Classroom Evaluation

Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 50% Weekly Presentation: 15% Midterm Project: 15% Final Project: 20%

Course Objectives

This is a one-semester four-skill integrated course. It aims to develop and improve students` academic listening and speaking skills. Students will be able to listen to and respond to a variety of topics in English. Class activities include discussion, group activities, and group presentations.

Group Project

To be announced

Course Requirements

1. If you must miss a class due to an unavoidable circumstance (e.g., sick leave, injury, or a family emergency), please notify me in advance by email.
2. There will be no late assignments or make-up tests.
3. Please turn your cell phone to silent mode during class. Please do not use your mobile phone during class unless it is for dictionary lookup or information searching.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials presented in class and in the textbooks. Please preview and review the class materials every week.





9/12 Orientation
Background Questionnaire
Listen to the podcast next week and look up the difficult words in advance.
9/19 Topic 1: Do emojis make language better? (link)
Cambridge Learners’ Dictionary (link)
Longman Dictionary (link)
1. Background information
2. Issue discussed
3. Some good words to learn
4. Your comments on the topic
5. Questions for your audience
* Upload the ppt to BB 2 days before your presentation.
* Printout one copy for me when you present in class.
Review and preview. Be ready for a quiz.
9/26 Topic 2: The food delivery revolution (link) 1, 11, 21, 31, 8 1. Review topic 2 and study the keywords. Find one example sentence for all the keywords.
2. Preview topic 3.
10/3 Topic 3: Is it good to disagree? (link) 2, 12, 22, 32, 11035012 1. How to Disagree in English Politely
2. Disagree politely
3. Phrases for expressing an opinion
10/10 Holiday (No Class)
10/17 Topic 4: Body language online (link)
8 Top Tips For Improving Your Body Language During Virtual Meetings (link)
3, 13, 23, 33, 18 Read the article and try to answer the following questions: What are two of the important aspects of body language you want to improve the most when having an online meeting/class next time? Why?
10/24 Topic 5: Why take a gap year? (link)
Work on your midterm project
4, 14, 24, 34, 28
10/31 1. Shadowing (link)
2. Listen, practice shadowing, record yourself, listen back
1. Upload your files before Friday night.
2. Print out your ppt next week (4 slides on one page).
11/7 Midterm Project (Showcase)
11/14 Topic 6 Inside the mind of a master procrastinator (link) 5, 15, 35, 9, 19
11/21 Topic 7 The Key to Success: Grit (link) 6, 16, 26, 10, 20
11/28 Topic 8 Why 30 is not the new 20 (link) 7, 17, 27, 29, 30
12/5 Topic 8 Why 30 is not the new 20 (link)
12/12 Group Project: Recommend a good talk to the class.
G1: What you can learn from people who disagree with you (link)
G2: Do schools kill creativity? (link)
12/19 G3: 10 things you didn’t know about orgasm (link)
G4: The power of believing that you can improve (link)
G5: How to cope with anxiety (link)
12/26 G6: Your body language may shape who you are (link)
G7: A simple way to break a bad habit (link)
1/2 Holiday (No Class)
1/9 Wrap-Up
Bloom’s Taxonomy (link)



通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決

We’ll adjust the schedule as we go along.