2022 Fall: 四技通識英文1

2022 Fall: 四技通識 English 1


A tentative syllabus


課程名稱: 英文 (一)

授課教師: 賴淑麗 (Shu-li Sally Lai)

授課班級: 四技通識

學分/時數: 2/2

E-mail: shulilai@gmail.com

Time: Wednesday (13:30 to 15:15)

Class website: https://bb.ntub.edu.tw

Room: 視聽教室 Room 7

Google Meet: Link

 Linggle: Link

Classroom materials

1. Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014) NT 485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃政瑋先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027)
2. Online materials and handouts.

Classroom Evaluation

Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 70% Final Exam: 20% TOEIC: 10% (配合高教深耕計畫)

Course Objective

This is a one-year four-skill integrated course that prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentations.

Group Project

To be announced

Course Requirements

1. If you must miss a class due to an unavoidable circumstance (e.g., sick leave, injury, or a family emergency), please notify me in advance by email.
2. There will be no late assignments or make-up tests.
3. Please turn your cell phone to silent mode during class. Please do not use your mobile phone during class unless it is for dictionary lookup or information searching.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials presented in class and in the textbooks. Please preview and review the class materials every week.




9/14 Orientation
Students sign the consent form
Background Questionnaire (link)
9/21 Vocabulary learning strategies/habit
Vocabulary test (pre)
Reading diagnose test
Assignment : Read Chapter 1.1 (page 4) at least once. Look up the 10 highlighted words in the dictionary. Hand in your notes next week.
– Be ready for a T & F quiz next week.
9/28 Chapter 1.1 Tony the traveler – Review the article
– Finish the exercise
10/5 Chapter 1.1 Tony the traveler
10/12 Chapter 1.2 The benefits of studying abroad
Dictionary Exercise 1
10/19 Chapter 1.2 The benefits of studying abroad
TOEIC score converter (link)
10/26 Check Exercises (Chapter 1.1 & Chapter 1.2)
The origin of Halloween (link)
11/2 Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
Types of Collocation
11/9 Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
– Introduce the concepts of collocation.
– Orient the students to SKELL
11/16 Midterm Exam


Assignment: 校務管理系統-> TOEIC (New)-> 多益模擬系統-> English 1 (Fall, 2022)->單元練習-> Part 1-> 第一回 (also Part 2 第一回)
Part 1: Photograph/ Part 2 Question and Response
Due: 11/21
11/23 Linggle 1 (link)
Video Tutorial (link)
Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight
TOEIC: 第一回 Part 3: Short conversation
Due: 11/28
11/30 Linggle 2
Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight
TOEIC : 第一回 Part 4 Short Talk
Due: 12/5
12/7 高教深耕TOEIC Test (承曦樓 602教室) 請務必自備耳機, 並準時出席. Preview: Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight
Review Linggle & SKELL
12/14 Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight TOEIC: 第一回 Part 5 句子填空 (example)
12/21 Chapter 4.1 The Bloom’s Taxonomy Be ready for a quiz next week (Linggle & SKELL)
TOEIC: 第一回 Part 6 段落填空 (example)
12/28 Chapter 4.1 The Bloom’s Taxonomy
Posttest (Linggle)
Evaluation Questionnaire (link)
 TOEIC: 第一回 Part 7 段落填空 (example)
1/4 Quiz
Chapter 4.1 The Bloom’s Taxonomy
1/11 Wrap-Up



通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決

We’ll adjust the schedule as we go along.