
2023 Spring: 二技資管一甲 English


A tentative syllabus


課程名稱: 英文 English

授課教師: 賴淑麗 (Shu-li Sally Lai)

授課班級: 資管系二技一年級

學分/時數: 2/2


Time: Monday (10:00 to 12:00)

Class website:

Room: 視聽教室 Room 7


 Podcast Project: link  TED Talk Project:  link

Classroom materials

Online materials to be announced (NT$50).

Classroom Evaluation

Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 50%
Midterm Project: 20%
Term Project: 20%
Participation: 10%

Course Objective

This is a one-semester four-skill integrated course. It aims to develop and improve students’ academic listening and speaking skills. Students will be able to listen to and respond to a variety of topics in English. Class activities include pre-class listening, in-class discussion and sharing, group presentations, and after-class writing.
對應校核心能力: 外語能力、專業素養
對應通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決

Group Project

To be announced.

Course Requirements

  1. If you must miss a class due to an unavoidable circumstance (e.g., sick leave, injury, or a family emergency), please notify me in advance by email.
  2. There will be no late assignments or make-up tests.
  3. Please turn your cell phone to silent mode during class. Please do not use your mobile phone during class unless it is for dictionary lookup or information searching.
  4. There will be quizzes based on the materials presented in class and in the textbooks. Please preview and review the class materials every week.




2/13 Orientation (name)
Background Questionnaire (link)
2/20 Topic 1: The food delivery revolution (link) Review Topic 1.
Learn the keywords.
Explore more episodes from Six Minutes English (link)
Preview Topic 2.
2/27 Holiday (No Class)
3/6 Topic 2: Can AI have a mind of its own? (link) Review Topic 2.
Learn the keywords.
Do you use AI in your daily life? Please give examples.
3/13 More discussion on topic 2
3/20 Listening Test (45 minutes)
Vocabulary Review
Work on the midterm project (4-5 minutes)
Draft 1 (3/26 midnight): Submit to BB discussion board (word file).
3/27 Topic 3: Body Language online (link)
8 Top Tips For Improving Your Body Language During Virtual Meetings (link)
Bill Gates on AI and the rapidly evolving future of computing (link)
Decide the sequence of your presentation
4/3 Holiday (No Class)
4/10 Showcase 1 (Group 1 to Group 6)
4/17 Showcase 1 (Group 7 to Group 12)
4/24 TED Talk and Language Learning
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator (link) (voicetube)
1. Listen to the talk again.
2. Get familiar with the content.
3. Learn up the new words.
Be ready for a quiz next week.
5/1 Quiz
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator (voicetube)
Tim Urban’s blog (link)
1. Review the talk
2. Begin to work on your term project
3. Check Tim’s blog
5/8 Grit: The power of passion and perseverance (link)
The Key to Success: Grit (link) (link)
5/15 Grit: The power of passion and perseverance
Some useful tools for your project:
Natural Reader (link)
Grammarly (link)
QuillBot (link)
5/22 G1:How to make stress your friend/Kelly McGonigal (link)
G2: 10 ways to have a better conversation/Celeste Headlee (link)
5/29 G3: The Secrets of Learning a new language/Lýdia Machová (link)
G4: Why good leaders make you feel safe/Simon Sinek (link)
G5: My stroke of insight / Jill Bolte Taylor (link)
CrashCourse (link)
MIT OpenCourseWare (link)
黃仁勳在台大2023年畢業典禮致詞 (link)
6/5 G6: Do schools kill creativity/Sir Ken Robinson (link)
G7: How to speak so that people want to listen/Julian Treasure (link)
Be ready for a post- listening test.
6/12 TOIEC Listening Test (100 Questions)
Check your grades/Wrap-up



通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決

We’ll adjust the schedule as we go along.

2022 Fall English 3 Blog

English 3 Blogs (Fall, 2022)


No. 系所 年班 姓名 English Name Blog URL
1 四技企管 一乙 蔡宜芳 Yvonne
2 四技企管 一乙 嚴可媗 Doris
3 四技企管 一乙 吳杰霖 Dylan
4 四技企管 一乙 林嘉旭 Jia Xu
5 四技企管 一甲 劉恩伶 Emma
6 四技財金 一甲 朱玉宏 Jenny
7 四技財金 一甲 彭鈺婷 Tina
8 四技財金 一甲 呂亞璇 Lucy
9 四技財金 一甲 陳俐玲 Linda
10 四技財稅 一乙 廖芷葳 Wendy
11 四技財稅 一乙 周珍如 Heather
12 四技財稅 一乙 蔡旻叡 Ray
13 四技財稅 一乙 簡廷羽 Destiny
14 四技財稅 一乙 李品佳 Julie
15 四技財稅 一甲 沈欣妤 Silvia
16 四技財稅 一甲 余英滋 Gina
17 四技財稅 一甲 謝芝柔 Claire
18 四技財稅 一甲 羅于晴 Kathy
19 四技財稅 一甲 蘇祐楷 David
20 四技商務 一乙 鄭永東 Colin
21 四技商務 一乙 陳柏均 Daniel
22 四技商務 一乙 林彤恩 Ann
23 四技商務 一甲 黃敏君 Maggy
24 四技商務 一乙 陳怡君 Emily
25 四技會資 一乙 蘇倖平 Peggy
26 四技會資 一乙 吳艾宸 Lisa
27 四技會資 一乙 吳保成 Paul
28 四技會資 一甲 陳羽馨 Sandy
29 四技會資 一甲 鄒承佑 Brian
30 四技資管 一甲 黃薪橙 Steven
31 四技資管 一甲 林哲安 Jerry


2022 Fall: 四技通識 English 3


A tentative syllabus


課程名稱: 英文 (三)

授課教師: 賴淑麗 (Shu-li Sally Lai)

授課班級: 四技通識

學分/時數: 2/2


Time: Wednesday (15:25 to 17:10)

Class website:

Room: 視聽教室 Room 7

Google Meet: Link

Blog: Your Blog 

Classroom materials

1. Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014) NT 485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃政瑋先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027)
2. Online materials and handouts.

Classroom Evaluation

Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 40% Weekly Presentation: 10% Midterm Project: 15% Term Project: 15% TOEIC: 20% (為配合高教深耕計畫,本課程實施英語文能力檢測,佔學期成績20%)

Course Objective

This is a one-semester, four-skill integrated course. While the first year of English focused on reading and vocabulary, the second year will emphasize speaking and listening. Students will listen, watch and discuss topics in pairs, groups, and in front of the entire class. They will also be encouraged to write down their thoughts. Discussion, group activities, and group presentations are examples of class activities.

Group Project

To be announced

Course Requirements

1. If you must miss a class due to an unavoidable circumstance (e.g., sick leave, injury, or a family emergency), please notify me in advance by email.
2. There will be no late assignments or make-up tests.
3. Please turn your cell phone to silent mode during class. Please do not use your mobile phone during class unless it is for dictionary lookup or information searching.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials presented in class and in the textbooks. Please preview and review the class materials every week.




9/14 Orientation
Create your blog (link)
Consent form/Listening
Assignment # 1 Greetings
Create your blog and write your very first post: Briefly introduce yourself (9/18 due)
– upload a picture of yours
– briefly introduce yourself (at least 50 words)
– Add your blog link here (link)
9/21 1. Writing
2. Grouping
Weekly Presentation

  • Background information
  • Issue discussed
  • Some good words to learn
  • Your comments on the topic
  • Questions for your audience

* Upload the ppt to BB 2 days before your presentation.
* Printout one copy for me when you present in class.

— Improve your 1st blogpost.
— Visit your classmates’ blog and leave a comment (2 friends).
— Preview (listen) to the course materials next week. Look up the difficult words in the dictionary. Be ready for a quiz next week (T&F, Multiple choice).
9/28 Topic 1: The food delivery revolution (link) Assignment #2 Food delivery revolution
More people are using delivery apps to order food from restaurants. Why do delivery apps become so popular now? Any reason? (at least 50 words) due on Sunday.
10/5 Topic 2: Is it good to disagree? (link)
Lucy, Jenny, Maggy, Tina, Linda
Watch the three videos and get familiar with the keywords and expressions.
1. How to Disagree in English Politely
2. Disagree politely
3. Phrases for expressing an opinion
10/12 Topic 3: Body language online (link)
8 Top Tips For Improving Your Body Language During Virtual Meetings (link)
Assignment #3 Body Language
What are two of the important aspects of body language you want to improve the most when having an online meeting/class next time? Why? (50 words at least) Due on Sunday.
10/19 Topic 4: Why take a gap year? (link)
10/26 Work on your midterm project
Tips for mobile video recording (link)
Tips for shadowing (link)
11/2 Ready to upload your files to BB (name your files as: English 3_G1_Names)
TED Talk and Language Learning
11/9 Midterm Project (Showcase)
11/16 Topic 5: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator Assignment #4: Procrastination
1. Do you procrastinate sometimes?
2. What are some of the things you procrastinate on?
3. What are some causes of your procrastination?
4. What are some strategies you can use to combat your procrastination?
(50 words, at least) Due on Sunday.
11/23 Inside the mind of a master procrastinator Preview topic 6
TOEIC 模擬考: 第一回 (Listening Part 1 & Part 2) Due 11/28 Monday (22:00)
11/30 Topic 6: The Key to Success: Grit TOEIC 模擬考: 第一回 (Listening Part 3 Short conversation) Due 12/5 Monday (22:00)
12/7 高教深耕 (育605) 五育樓605 教室 (Reading only).
Writing Test (link)
Term Project (link)
TOEIC 模擬考: 第一回 (Listening Part 4 Short Talk) Due 12/19 Monday (22:00)
12/14 1. The first 20 hours – how to learn anything (link)
2. Do you really need 8 hours of sleep every night? (link)
Assignment #5 Comment on One of the two talks
Comment on One of the talks and please embed the video to your blog post. (30 words at least)
Due on Sunday.
12/21 3. Sleep is your superpower (link)
4. Why should school start later for teens? (link)
Assignment #6 Comment on One of the two Talks
Comment on One of the talks and please embed the video to your blog post as well. (50 words)
Due on Sunday.
12/28 5. How to spot a liar (link)
6. How to make stress your friend (link)
1/4 Listening
1/11 Wrap-up
Questionnaire (link)



通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決

We’ll adjust the schedule as we go along.

2022 Fall: 四技通識 English 1


A tentative syllabus


課程名稱: 英文 (一)

授課教師: 賴淑麗 (Shu-li Sally Lai)

授課班級: 四技通識

學分/時數: 2/2


Time: Wednesday (13:30 to 15:15)

Class website:

Room: 視聽教室 Room 7

Google Meet: Link

 Linggle: Link

Classroom materials

1. Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014) NT 485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃政瑋先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027)
2. Online materials and handouts.

Classroom Evaluation

Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 70% Final Exam: 20% TOEIC: 10% (配合高教深耕計畫)

Course Objective

This is a one-year four-skill integrated course that prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentations.

Group Project

To be announced

Course Requirements

1. If you must miss a class due to an unavoidable circumstance (e.g., sick leave, injury, or a family emergency), please notify me in advance by email.
2. There will be no late assignments or make-up tests.
3. Please turn your cell phone to silent mode during class. Please do not use your mobile phone during class unless it is for dictionary lookup or information searching.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials presented in class and in the textbooks. Please preview and review the class materials every week.




9/14 Orientation
Students sign the consent form
Background Questionnaire (link)
9/21 Vocabulary learning strategies/habit
Vocabulary test (pre)
Reading diagnose test
Assignment : Read Chapter 1.1 (page 4) at least once. Look up the 10 highlighted words in the dictionary. Hand in your notes next week.
– Be ready for a T & F quiz next week.
9/28 Chapter 1.1 Tony the traveler – Review the article
– Finish the exercise
10/5 Chapter 1.1 Tony the traveler
10/12 Chapter 1.2 The benefits of studying abroad
Dictionary Exercise 1
10/19 Chapter 1.2 The benefits of studying abroad
TOEIC score converter (link)
10/26 Check Exercises (Chapter 1.1 & Chapter 1.2)
The origin of Halloween (link)
11/2 Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
Types of Collocation
11/9 Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
– Introduce the concepts of collocation.
– Orient the students to SKELL
11/16 Midterm Exam


Assignment: 校務管理系統-> TOEIC (New)-> 多益模擬系統-> English 1 (Fall, 2022)->單元練習-> Part 1-> 第一回 (also Part 2 第一回)
Part 1: Photograph/ Part 2 Question and Response
Due: 11/21
11/23 Linggle 1 (link)
Video Tutorial (link)
Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight
TOEIC: 第一回 Part 3: Short conversation
Due: 11/28
11/30 Linggle 2
Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight
TOEIC : 第一回 Part 4 Short Talk
Due: 12/5
12/7 高教深耕TOEIC Test (承曦樓 602教室) 請務必自備耳機, 並準時出席. Preview: Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight
Review Linggle & SKELL
12/14 Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight TOEIC: 第一回 Part 5 句子填空 (example)
12/21 Chapter 4.1 The Bloom’s Taxonomy Be ready for a quiz next week (Linggle & SKELL)
TOEIC: 第一回 Part 6 段落填空 (example)
12/28 Chapter 4.1 The Bloom’s Taxonomy
Posttest (Linggle)
Evaluation Questionnaire (link)
 TOEIC: 第一回 Part 7 段落填空 (example)
1/4 Quiz
Chapter 4.1 The Bloom’s Taxonomy
1/11 Wrap-Up



通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決

We’ll adjust the schedule as we go along.

2022 Fall: 五專財金四甲 English 4


A tentative syllabus


課程名稱: 英文 (四)

授課教師: 賴淑麗 (Shu-li Sally Lai)

授課班級: 五專財金四甲

學分/時數: 2/3


Time: Monday (13:30 to 17:10)

Class website:

Room: 視聽教室 Room 7

Google Meet: Link

Classroomscreen: Link

Classroom materials

1. Longman Academic Reading Series: Reading Skills for College (2), published by Pearson Education, Inc. (2014) NT 485 (原價570) 東華書局代理 (黃政瑋先生 0912-278-109; 02-2311-4027)
2. Online materials and handouts.

Classroom Evaluation

Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 50% Midterm Exam: 20% Project: 20% Participation: 10%

Course Objectives

This is a one-year four-skill integrated course that prepares students to become more effective and confident readers. While the focus will be on academic reading and vocabulary, this class will also encourage students to discuss and write about the ideas they discovered in the readings, aiming to make them better speakers and writers of English as well. Students will engage in a variety of activities, including discussion, group activities, and group presentations.

Group Project

To be announced

Course Requirements

1. If you must miss a class due to an unavoidable circumstance (e.g., sick leave, injury, or a family emergency), please notify me in advance by email.
2. There will be no late assignments or make-up tests.
3. Please turn your cell phone to silent mode during class. Please do not use your mobile phone during class unless it is for dictionary lookup or information searching.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials presented in class and in the textbooks. Please preview and review the class materials every week.




9/12 Orientation
Background Questionnaire
Visit the website:
Focus Taiwan and explore some of the news that interest you (
Preview Chapter 1.1 when you get your book.
9/19 Vocabulary Learning Questionnaire
Vocabulary test & Consent form
Reading (第五回) 防疫假/公假同學 (before 9/25)
– Assignment 1: Read Chapter 1.1 (page 4) at least once. Look up the 10 highlighted words in the dictionary.
– Be ready for a T & F quiz next week.
9/26 Vocabulary Learning Questionnaire (link)
Chapter 1.1 Toney the traveler
– Review the article
– Finish the exercise
10/3 Chapter 1.1 Toney the traveler
Dictionary skill (1) Introduction
10/10 Holiday (No Class)
10/17 – Chapter 1.2 The benefits of studying abroad
– Dictionary skill (2) (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) (link)
– TOEIC Converter (link)
– Certificate (link)
10/24 Chapter 1.2 The benefits of studying abroad
10/31 Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
11/7 Chapter 3.1 Robots improve health care, helping doctors, nurses, and patients
11/14 Midterm
11/21 – Guidelines for academic presentation (1)
– Grouping
– Discussion for midterm
11/28 – Guidelines for academic presentation (2)
– Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight
– Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade 2022 (link)
– Pardon a turkey (link)
12/5 – Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight
12/12 G1: I can’t breathe (link)
G2: City of Stars (link)
G3: Strawberries & Cigarettes (link)
Self Study: Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight
Listen to the 3 songs.
12/19 G4: Speechless (link)
G5: Love yourself (link)
G6: Wake me up when the September ends (link)
12/26 G7: I believe I can fly (link)
G8: My mind & me (link)
G9: God’s plan (link)
G10: Do you hear the people sing (link)
1/2 Holiday (No Class)
1/9 Quiz
1. Chapter 3.3 Water is shown to help people lose weight
2. Chapter 4.1 Bloom’s Taxonomy



通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決

We’ll adjust the schedule as we go along.

2022 Fall: 二技企管一甲 English


A tentative syllabus


課程名稱: 英文

授課教師: 賴淑麗 (Shu-li Sally Lai)

授課班級: 二技企管一甲

學分/時數: 2/2


Time: Monday (10:10 to 12:00)

Class website:

Room: 視聽教室 Room 7

Google Meet: Link


Classroom materials

1. Online materials and handouts.

Classroom Evaluation

Quizzes & Assignments (in-class & after-class): 50% Weekly Presentation: 15% Midterm Project: 15% Final Project: 20%

Course Objectives

This is a one-semester four-skill integrated course. It aims to develop and improve students` academic listening and speaking skills. Students will be able to listen to and respond to a variety of topics in English. Class activities include discussion, group activities, and group presentations.

Group Project

To be announced

Course Requirements

1. If you must miss a class due to an unavoidable circumstance (e.g., sick leave, injury, or a family emergency), please notify me in advance by email.
2. There will be no late assignments or make-up tests.
3. Please turn your cell phone to silent mode during class. Please do not use your mobile phone during class unless it is for dictionary lookup or information searching.
4. There will be quizzes and exams based on the materials presented in class and in the textbooks. Please preview and review the class materials every week.





9/12 Orientation
Background Questionnaire
Listen to the podcast next week and look up the difficult words in advance.
9/19 Topic 1: Do emojis make language better? (link)
Cambridge Learners’ Dictionary (link)
Longman Dictionary (link)
1. Background information
2. Issue discussed
3. Some good words to learn
4. Your comments on the topic
5. Questions for your audience
* Upload the ppt to BB 2 days before your presentation.
* Printout one copy for me when you present in class.
Review and preview. Be ready for a quiz.
9/26 Topic 2: The food delivery revolution (link) 1, 11, 21, 31, 8 1. Review topic 2 and study the keywords. Find one example sentence for all the keywords.
2. Preview topic 3.
10/3 Topic 3: Is it good to disagree? (link) 2, 12, 22, 32, 11035012 1. How to Disagree in English Politely
2. Disagree politely
3. Phrases for expressing an opinion
10/10 Holiday (No Class)
10/17 Topic 4: Body language online (link)
8 Top Tips For Improving Your Body Language During Virtual Meetings (link)
3, 13, 23, 33, 18 Read the article and try to answer the following questions: What are two of the important aspects of body language you want to improve the most when having an online meeting/class next time? Why?
10/24 Topic 5: Why take a gap year? (link)
Work on your midterm project
4, 14, 24, 34, 28
10/31 1. Shadowing (link)
2. Listen, practice shadowing, record yourself, listen back
1. Upload your files before Friday night.
2. Print out your ppt next week (4 slides on one page).
11/7 Midterm Project (Showcase)
11/14 Topic 6 Inside the mind of a master procrastinator (link) 5, 15, 35, 9, 19
11/21 Topic 7 The Key to Success: Grit (link) 6, 16, 26, 10, 20
11/28 Topic 8 Why 30 is not the new 20 (link) 7, 17, 27, 29, 30
12/5 Topic 8 Why 30 is not the new 20 (link)
12/12 Group Project: Recommend a good talk to the class.
G1: What you can learn from people who disagree with you (link)
G2: Do schools kill creativity? (link)
12/19 G3: 10 things you didn’t know about orgasm (link)
G4: The power of believing that you can improve (link)
G5: How to cope with anxiety (link)
12/26 G6: Your body language may shape who you are (link)
G7: A simple way to break a bad habit (link)
1/2 Holiday (No Class)
1/9 Wrap-Up
Bloom’s Taxonomy (link)



通識課程核心能力: 語言思辯表達、問題溝通解決

We’ll adjust the schedule as we go along.

2022 Spring: Reflection paper (二技一甲)

  1. The paper must be typed.
  2. The paper should be 400 to 500 words (about 1.5 to 2 pages, 1.5 spaced). Font size: 12 
  3. Writing should use formal English, correct spelling, and punctuation.
  4. Topics may include any information covered in class, from the Six Minute English, TED Talk, or your term project, your online presentation experience, to your blog writing, or Linggle use.
  5. Consider the following when writing your reflection:
    1. How do you like the Six Minute English website and TED Talk, as your language learning resources?
    2. Do you think that maintaining a blog and expressing your thoughts on your blog have improved your “writing fluency” or “speaking fluency” or others?
    3. Do you think it’s a good idea to create and maintain a blog as part of the English course?
    4. Do you think it’s a good idea to integrate Linggle as part of the English course?
    5. What’s your opinion on the course design this semester? (1) use the online resources as the major class materials (Six Minutes English) and (TED), (2) blog writing activities to provide opportunities for language use, (3) learn how to use Linggle, (4) term project: select the materials you are interested in and introduce them to the class.
    6. What new things have you learned? Would what you have learned to change your English learning behavior in the future?
  6. Deadline: Please submit your reflection paper to Blackboard before 6/23 at 4:00 pm (Thursday). 

重要提醒: Writing a reflection helps you find what is meaningful to you and adds value to your learning. Do not simply outline or summarize the materials we have covered. I want to know what the materials mean to you.

2022 Spring: 五專財稅三甲 English 3 (代課)


A tentative syllabus


課程名稱: 英文三

授課教師: 賴淑麗 (Shu-li Sally Lai)
授課班級: 五專財稅三甲


Class website:

Time: Thursday (13:30 ~ 16:15)

Google Meet:





4/21 Midterm Exam
4/28 Food delivery revolution (link) 1. Finish listening to the podcast
2. Review some keywords
5/5 1. Food delivery revolution (link)
2. Dark kitchen (link)
3. Three excellent learners’ dictionary to use
– Cambridge learners dictionary (link)
– Longman dictionary (link)
– Oxford dictionary (link)
4. Listening Practice
Convenient store (link)
5/12 1. Inside the mind of a master procrastinator (link)
2. Install the app
3. How do you find a talk to listen
  1. Picker wheel 1:

Note. We’ll adjust the schedule as we go along.